The solution to the weakness of cancer cells

The solution, obviously, lies in their anaerobic metabolism, i.e. in glycolysis. In the case of feeding the cancer cells excess amount of organic acids their reaction to them will be different than that of normal cells. In this case, before such anacleto a dilemma: either go to the normal modes of the cells, or to enhance your catabolism and to follow the path of savelkinskiy.

As a counter-argument lead to the existence of crawler the worm in the unripe fruit of the Apple. The excess of acids is not a hindrance, but the caterpillar has aerobic metabolism.

The solution, it turns out, lies in the fact that for energy processes cells eventually use only one group of substances, and for metabolism — almost the entire spectrum of substances. Our task is primarily to influence the energy processes-to transfer them from glycolysis to aerobic pathway. In this regard, our method of oxygenation, i.e. the acceleration of respiratory mechanisms, implies primarily the influence of energy processes on the substrate field, which are more dependent on this field than the subsequent catabolic processes. Since metabolism is a secondary process, it can exist as background on glycolysis and on the background of Arabism. Metabolic processes are more flexible, easy to use neoglucogenetic mechanisms and less dependent on the substrate field. Obviously, anabolic-catabolic processes are more regulated from the genome of the cell nucleus, and energy — from the genome of mitochondria. Understanding the differences between these mechanisms dispels the fog of misunderstanding and removes all contradictions.

In theory, it is assumed that in the case of the predominance of the substrate field in cancer cells inherent aerobic processes, glycolysis mechanisms in them begin to choke. The thing is that in one case we are talking about the energy substrate field, and in the other — about the plastic (construction) substrate field.

In support of this assumption, there is evidence of Professor Pop, who proved that malignant cells, anaerobic pathogenic bacteria and viruses can not live in the presence of oxygen. But, on the other hand, there are a number of works showing that cancer cells even in the presence of oxygen are not able to use nm (aerobic glycolysis). The change in energy in cancer cells is called a violation of the Pasteur effect.

All living tissue which is metabolically active, capable of anaerobic glycolysis, however most of them do not picolinium under aerobic conditions. This effect of blocking of glycolysis from respiration and is called Pasteur’s effect. Another scientist I have already mentioned, Warburg, came to the conclusion that cancer cells differ from non-cancer cells in their inability to suppress glycolysis in the presence of oxygen.

But the presence of oxygen in the cell environment does not mean that it can become an intracellular substrate, i.e. absorbed by cells inside.

It can be assumed that any increase in acids (acid substrate) leads to an increase in oxidative processes and the release of oxygen inside the cell. Subsequent assumption: if the outer oxygen is not used by the glycolysis cell, the excess of acids still forcibly provides such cells with oxygen inside. As a result, the process can go the way of a slow “institution” of mitochondria due to the starter function of acids. But this is also not a fact.

Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the outcome of cancer without its necrosis is known. Therefore, the second possible way is to boost catabolism in cancer cells without switching them from glycolysis to respiration. A number of experimental data confirms the reparation of mitochondria and release of cells from glycolysis.

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