Just want to reassure you that cancer of the urinary organs occurs relatively rarely. Among benign kidney tumors, fibroma is the most common. It has the appearance of small nodules located on the surface of the kidney or in its brain layer. These tumors do not give any clinical symptoms, but if they start to grow, then there is pain in the kidney area. From the point of view of the occurrence of cancer, kidney adenomas are of the greatest importance. These are whitish-gray, sometimes red nodes enclosed in a thin shell and located directly under the capillaries of the kidney. They are either single or multiple and are formed from the epithelium of the kidney tubules and from the kidney tissue itself. They occur at different ages and in people of different genders.

Cysts develop not only in the kidney itself, but also sometimes next to it in the perinephric tissue. Until the tumor has reached a large size, it does not give any typical signs, so it is difficult to determine it. Such tumors, while they are still small, are not dangerous in relation to their transition to cancer. Large kidney tumors are sometimes detected by a simple examination of a naked person. It is clear that the renal area on one side is more convex than on the other. Usually, the tumor grows in the direction of the anterior wall of the abdomen or down into the pelvis. The border of the tumor becomes distinct at the height of inspiration. If the tumor reaches a significant size, then patients have dull aching pains in the corresponding half of the abdomen, giving in the back. You should not be complacent about this diagnosis, but you need to find out the cause of these pains, which are either permanent or intermittent. If patients with a tumor in the kidney with severe pain are subjected to a special examination in a timely manner, then patients can be operated on at a stage when there is no malignant tumor yet, but only a precancerous disease.

An important diagnostic value is the presence of blood in the urine. Very many patients do not pay attention to this sign. This is because blood in the urine usually appears suddenly, without any harbingers, lasts at first for several hours, sometimes even days, and then spontaneously and unexpectedly disappears. This circumstance brings comfort to the patient’s mind, and he, believing that the bleeding is an accident, does not go to the doctor. It is necessary to know that the sudden appearance of blood in the urine, even for a short time, is a symptom of a serious kidney or bladder disease that requires immediate treatment.

The most important group of precancerous tumors of the bladder is papillomas, benign tumors of the walls of the bladder, and their goodness lasts relatively short. After some time, sometimes after 1-2 years, these tumors can turn into cancer. Papillomas are called formations of a villous structure, which can have unlimited growth and fill the entire bladder in a neglected state. The main clinical sign is the appearance of blood in the urine. The patient should immediately consult a doctor, who will make a cystoscopy and establish the location of this tumor, its size; perform through a cystoscope removal of the tumor by burning it with an electric loop. Adenomas usually occur in the elderly, especially in those who had long-term gonorrhea at a young age. Tumors have the appearance of nodes located in the prostate tissue. Very often they are multiple. Sometimes adenomas form nodes in the prostate gland that reach 2 cm in diameter. The question of surgery to remove the prostate gland is decided by the doctor. It is practically safe.

Now I want to focus on neoplasms of individual organs, tell you about the clinical signs and diagnostic methods that need to be carried out in order to diagnose this disease.

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