“Achilles’ heel” of tumors

The main feature of cancer cells is that their metabolism is much faster, which leads to increased absorption of nutrients from the blood. According to some sources, they consume a little Lina 10 times more than normal cells. But also harmful waste, metabolism they have much more, which leads to poisoning of the body.

I believe that the appearance of cancer is always associated with a combination of two reasons: provoking (primary, main) factors (e.g. viruses) and sensitizing (secondary, causal) factors (e.g. carcinogens). If one of the factors is not present, then there is no Oncology. At the same time, the absence of cancer symptoms does not mean that the body does not have the main factors. If they do not, the cancer is impossible in principle.

If there are no secondary causes in the body, it is impossible to show symptoms of the disease, it does not appear. There is reason to argue that the primary factors provoking cancer are in most of the population. However, for the manifestation of the disease, numerous sensitizing factors are required. In addition to them, some cofactors are also needed — the acidity of the environment, the state of immunity, the nervous system, the presence of dysbiosis, etc.

In the case of cancer normal cells of the body are reborn and change their nature — their organization becomes similar to bacterial cells: the same metabolism, the ability to constant reproduction, the lack of differentiation in appearance and function.

The main feature of onkokletok is that they have the ability to exist and to conduct their metabolism almost without access to oxygen.

As I already wrote, the source of energy for them is anaerobic glycolysis, which occurs most often in bacteria. It is this difference from healthy cells of the body that is their vulnerable point, the Achilles ‘ heel. In anaerobic glycolysis, glucose oxidation often goes not to the end and with the release of a relatively small amount of energy. As a result, tumor cells consume excessive amounts of carbohydrates and secrete many underoxidized metabolites — acid or alcohol, depending on the depth of the process. The fact that the intermediates of glycolysis are organic acids (pyruvic and lactic), and the final — alcohol, water and carbon dioxide. It is no accident that anaerobic glycolysis is often called alcohol fermentation (even with lactic fermentation, a certain amount of alcohol is formed).

I believe that in the body there is a group of key enzymes of metabolism, some of which provide metabolism by aerobic pathway, and others — by anaerobic pathway. In healthy cells active enzymes-arrows aerobic direction, and anaerobic or absent, or blocked.

Changes in metabolism in tumor cells caused by the dominance of anaerobic enzymes-strelochnikov that regulate oxygen-free metabolism.

This means that the main task of the fight against tumors is to suppress the key enzymes that guide the metabolic cycle of a healthy cell in an abnormal direction and turn it into a cancer monster.

Tumors in the last stage of development provoke catabolism throughout the body, its depletion, cachexia, hair loss, intoxication, chronic fever and weakening of the immune system. Often the main disease is accompanied by others. How to correctly carry out the treatment, it is clear not all the intricacies. But it is clear that it is necessary to be able to maneuver “between two fires”, without bringing an organism to extremes. Tactics here should be the “trench warfare” of waiting, then, with the improvement of the General condition and tolerability of treatment, the continuation of active actions.

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